transmission attempt 2 ……..

L3viathan Official
3 min readJun 15, 2021


Over the past few days we have received some great support and some new ideas.

We are delighted to bring you some amazing new things to look forward to, as well as some further details regarding L3viathan.

We plan to be launching on both BSC and Polygon/Matic.

All new information and any changes regarding tokenomics will be placed on the website.

Refinement of current road map with goals.

A clear and concise white paper ahead.

Much more on the horizon, speeding towards us like a friendly kraken…….

As mentioned above we plan to launch on both BSC and Polygon/Matic. The overall direction and goals for the token will be the same on both, with minor variances/lessons learned along the way. BSC will be the first chain on which we deploy, and initial investors will receive a very small airdrop: 0.5%-1% of BSC L3viathan holdings in Poly L3viathan. We feel this is an incentive to reward those who believe in the project, and give them an introduction as to what Polygon has to offer.
Regarding both chains’ initial funding rounds, there will only be the potential for the following: 1) private sale 2) whitelist candidacy. We will do a whitelist sale regardless (unless potential of IDO on an established platform arises) and may or may not proceed with the private sale option on one or both chains.
Information regarding what will be required and the amount of whitelist slots will be fully revealed on a later medium post…

Watch this space…

We really appreciate getting feedback and suggestions before this whole thing gets going like the oceanic behemoth it promise to be. It lets us put our best foot forward, and make you, the community happy as well.

Now: onto the big part everyone loves. Tokenomics… once we got to sharing some of what we have envisioned for L3viathan we got some feedback on the tokenomics. We listened, reflected and… you know what? We decided they could stand a bit of tweaking. Here they are as we see them so far…. maybe with a little wiggle room…. squeaky wheel gets the grease after all.

100% — total supply: 230,000,000

33 % — staking rewards: 75,900,000 (will be locked before launch)

25% — presale: 57,500,000

20% — launch liquidity: 46,000,000

13% — burn/black hole: 29,900,000

6% — marketing: 13,800,000 (unused portion will be locked and with a vesting period)

3% — team: 6,900,000 (1% will be unlocked the 2% will be locked with a vesting period)

Token mechanics work the same as mentioned in the previous medium post, we have just shuffled the tokens around, and added a zero onto the total supply to (hopefully) make this all a bit more fun.

We figured we should wrap the next ones together.

So we decided to not write everything down in stone just yet, as we will, quite fairly, be held to it. Better to underpromise and over-deliver, we figure… Here’s what we plan to have up for you in the next few days. We hope to have the road map clearly explained with rough timings for the both BSC and Polygon launches, as we know timing is everything for you, oh benevolent investors. The road map will also have the addition of ambitions and goals pre/post launch(es). Expect to see these on both the website and medium.
A whitepaper in pdf format on the website. We know how much everyone loves to read these. This will be hosted on the website , and will have a medium post to announce it.
We also hope to bring you good news of partnerships and other big surprises coming (prelaunch). Remember we ape together, we win together.

Once again thanks for keeping abreast of our updates. Feel free to drop by either our

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or follow us on our twitter: @L3viathanB



L3viathan Official

Official Medium for L3viathan on Binance Smart Chain